Thursday 20 September 2012

From A&K - Great Canadian Quilt Off, eh!

We thought it was high time to have a little shindig here on the blog and nothing says fun like a bit of competition. Two blogger cousins, two quilts, one pattern....enter the Great Canadian Quilt Off, eh!

We will both make the same pattern at the same time, using different fabrics and whatever means necessary to get 'er done in 4 weeks. Pretty cool, eh

What lovely quilt pattern will take top honours? Well majority rules here on the blog and one of our lovely readers voted for Rachel Griffith's Smitten earlier this month, so Smitten it is.

Feel free to join in and make a Smitten of your very own (Canadian citizenship not required). If you want to play please leave a comment on this post telling us who you are and where you're from or email us at contact AT everydayfray DOT com and we'll put together a list of participants so we can all keep in touch and motivate each other.

In case you are still on the fence, there are some lovely Smitten quilts to be found here, here, here, and here that might just tip the balance for you.

The pace will be slow and manageable since we both have full-time jobs and a whole lot of other things to worry about. The schedule will look something like this:

Week 1: Cut your fabric and start working on blocks
Week 2: Finish making blocks
Week 3: Attach borders and finish quilt top
Week 4: Baste and quilt

Who knows, if this goes well we might even triple up and turn it into some kind of hat-trick (we couldn't help ourselves on that one, after all this wouldn't be very Canadian if we didn't include some kind of hockey reference).

Welcome one and all to the Great Canadian Quilt Off, eh! We'll be kicking Week 1 off on October 1st so be sure to swing by to read all about our fabric selections and how the whole getting started thing is working out.


  1. Love it! Will be watching from Winnipeg :)

  2. I'll watch and perhaps try to find my sewing machine...learn to operate it...and quilt along! Now THAT'S a Garrick,!!)
    From Grand Bend On..

    1. Correction...Garrick should be HAT TRICK!!🤗


Thank you so much for your comment! We love your comments and read every one. If you have specific questions feel free to email us at contact@, and we will be sure to get back to you as soon as we can. Thanks for stopping by! xoxo A&K