Friday 15 June 2012

From A - Babies, babies everywhere

It's been one of those years. You know, the one where everyone you know is having their first child. They feel a lot like the years where everyone you know is getting married or buying a house.

The year starts off fun. There is so much excitement at all of the good news. Inevitably, the enthusiasm starts to peter out and is replaced with the doldrum of social obligation and panic at the idea of having to plan yet another shower (with a new theme of course), come up with yet another great gift idea and in my case, furious furious crafting.

In one of my more desperate gift finding attempts, I found this on Pinterest and decided that I could DEFINITELY make that quilt in two weeks. No problem. I ordered a charm pack (Kona Classic Palette) and patiently waited for the goods to arrive. A week and a half later, Canada Post pulled through (a.k.a. 4 days pre-shower - eek!).

Still, it was only one teeny, tiny baby quilt. I mean how big are babies anyway when they're born? After some quick planning I realized that there were some colour gaps in the spectrum and that I needed a few fabrics extra fabrics to get me to 42 blocks. Eventually (a.k.a. two days later), I ended up with this:

Some pinning, some chain piecing led to this (forgive the crapster photo, I think it was about 3 a.m. at the time).

While pressing it all, I somehow managed to get red permanent marker in a pretty conspicuous spot and used that as a sign that it might be bedtime.

The next morning, after a bit of ripping...

and a bit more sewing, I ended up with this. It's not quite a finished quilt but it at least looks like it might one day become a finished quilt which will do for shower purposes. Fortunately, I still have a few more weeks before the bambino needs the "without pins" version of this project.

Now to get it quilted!

P.S. Yeah for kitchen counter tops! I absolutely love basting on my island. It's the perfect height. Lucky for me, my spouse doesn't complain too much when I commandeer our only counter space for crafting.

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