Tuesday, 23 April 2013
From K - On the Cutting Mat
Thursday, 18 April 2013
From A & K - We're Going!
Are you heading down to Sewing Summit this fall, or know of someone who has? If so please do drop us a line, we'd be so thrilled to meet up!
Tuesday, 16 April 2013
From A - Lone Star To Be
I've started cutting into this stack and am excited to see how this will come together!
Saturday, 13 April 2013
From K - Bikini Beach Pouch
When we first booked our trip, this beach in St John, US Virgin Islands was all I could think about. A white sand beach, clear turquoise water, a floppy hat and a swim suit. With this vision in my mind, it didn't take me long to cut into some laminated cotton to whip up the perfect bikini beach pouch.
There are few things more annoying at the beach than having to make the decision to either wear a wet bathing suit around all day, or alternatively getting your entire beach bag contents wet because you decided to take it off. To solve this inconvenience, I made a simple pouch and lined it with laminated cotton.
For the outside of the bikini bag I used an aqua coloured print by Apple Jack by Tim and Beck for Moda. For the lining I chose Honey Violet Mosaic from Honey Honey by Kate Spain. This was a quick project that made the beach extra enjoyable. Don't you love when simple things have the power to make your day?
Thursday, 11 April 2013
From A - One for the Dog
I put my Posy quilt in the washing machine all by itself - cold water, delicate cycle. This is what greeted me at the end of the wash cycle.
Yes friends, that is what cheap crappy batting looks like after it has shrunk to within an inch of its life. Needless to say I was more than a little miffed. Especially since I've used all different kinds of batting in the past and have NEVER had a problem like this.
It makes a mockery of my hard one acceptance/appreciation for crinkles by making this sweet quilt look like some sort of bad down-filled winter coat.
The only bright spark is that this quilt has found a new fan. The furriest member of our household flung himself on top of this nightmare as soon as I put it on the floor and he hasn't moved since except to eat and go outside. I guess that's dog for "thanks for the quilt". I even think he looks worried that I might take it away in this picture.
Where do things stand now? With a few days' distance, I've picked myself up, ordered new fabric and am currently psyching myself up to try again. Step one of that process is to make something non-quilt. I'm starting with a nursing cover. There is nothing that could possibly go wrong with a large square of fabric now, is there?
Monday, 8 April 2013
From K - Prep for a New Quilt
Friday, 5 April 2013
From A - Posy Quilt
First up was a baby quilt made from 2 packs of charm squares. A quick and easy weekend project that just involved sewing the charms together, basting the quilt with a solid backing and spending a few hours quilting and binding.
I have been struggling to find a batting that I really love for as long as I have been quilting. Most of the cotton battings I've used are too lightweight and don't offer the warmth I need to really cuddle up with. I've used 100% wool batting and although it is perfect for some projects, it doesn't work as a go-to batting. It's high loft made it shift a bit during quilting, creating an added challenge. Also the wool batting makes for a fluffy quilt that can be impractical to store.
I used a 50% wool and 50% cotton batting for this quilt that I found at my local Fabricland. I really liked the weight and warmth it gives this quilt (ETA - until it self-destructed in the wash). The only drawback is that it was fairly yellow and would likely show through a quilt that used lots of white fabric. Any favourite batting suggestions would be appreciated!
The Nitty Gritty:
- Quilt Name: Posy
- Finished Size: approx. 36" x 45" - Crib sized
- Fabric: Aneela Hooey's Posy collection
- Pattern: None - Charms sewn together in 8 x 10 configuration
- Quilting: Stitch in the Ditch with heart detail in bottom corner
I used a white print from the Posy line for the backing on this quilt. I love the little girls reading adventure books and chickens. The stripe print I used for the border is also from the Posy line. The thought of having to match the pinks in this one to pick something else made me reach instinctively for a stripe from the collection. Problem solved! The stripe binding happened to match up perfectly in the corners. It's so nice when things turn out better than you could have planned them.
I used a pre-fab label that was thrown into one of my fabric orders as a free perk. It was so easy and works perfectly with this quilt. I did some heart quilting on the lower left-hand corner of the quilt to avoid sewing straight through the centre of the label. I like that it adds a bit of interest to this simple quilt.
I am really happy with how this little gem turned out. The colours are so bright and cheery. Looking at this quilt helps convince me that Spring might actually be on its way despite the cold temperatures and almost daily snowfalls we've been having lately. I took this on my last trip to California for photos so you can all enjoy a bit of spring too! Linking up with TGIFF at Quokka Quilts and Finish it up Friday.

Wednesday, 3 April 2013
From K: A Second Kaftan
After loving my last Shearwater Kaftan so much, I took the plunge and ordered some stunning Nani Iro from Japan to whip up another. I used my amended pattern templates from my first take of this top, and I'm thrilled with how it turned out a second time.
While it was a wonderful escape for the past 10 days, it really does feel great to be back at home. I have a few more reveals from my travels coming up, and some big quilting plans in the works. After having a bit of a break, I'm really feeling motivated to hit my Janome again!
Monday, 1 April 2013
From A - Taking Stock
I was digging through my go-to carry on bag and in its depths, I found not one but five cross stitch projects. Although cross stitch is very portable it is also slow. The thought that I would need five projects to tide me over for a weekend away is excessive, even by my standards.
There's my woodland sampler, a hydrangea kit I bought on my last visit the paradise that is Liberty of London, part of a Russian nesting doll trio, an aboriginal loon design by Sue Coleman, and a baby gift I started well over a year ago. This doesn't even include the other cross stitch projects I've started that are still at home, and all the other stitching projects I have waiting in the wings.
I didn't quite realize how crazy things had gotten. This stack alone is likely a year of stitching for me. I think it is officially time to divide and conquer. The hydrangea will be first up. Maybe getting it finished will encourage Spring to make an appearance. I for one, am more than ready!